Go Pack Go!

Today the team were invited to share a central part of the local culture with a visit to Lambeau stadium — home of the NFL team the Green Bay Packers.

Together with members of the Neenah club we toured the stadium, including getting right out onto the ground. A knowledgeable guide explained it all — and Tim filled in a lot of the gaps for those of us (like me) who were less than familiar with American Football. For example — I discovered that most of the team can’t kick, and even those who can rarely do kick the football — what a funny sport to call football!  

We visited the football hall of fame and saw the Packers’ 4 Super Bowl tropies, and browsed a gift shop with 2 stories of branded items ranging from keyrings, to t-shirts and jackets, novelty headware (like the iconic cheese-head hat) baby clothes, furniture and even a $3500 jewelled packers purse!  The visit really demonstrated the passion that the people of Wisconsin and the US have for their sport and their local team.

This evening we had a pleasant evening of fellowship with pizza and beer and plenty of laughs.

Tomorrow — our final presentation in the US!


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3 Responses to Go Pack Go!

  1. Donald MacDonald says:

    I am sure your final presentations will be the best!!! It has been great keeping up with you visit – I am very jealous!!!

  2. Catherine Zimmerman says:

    This is REAL football!!!!! Not this Aussie rules stuff!! 🙂

  3. Lee Breese says:

    Dave and I laughed at the comments and roared at the picture. How funny we all manage to act! Tim, Dave will be wearing your hat during all the Packer games this season. Go go Essendon! In a week or so when you get home, Tim, “Cool your Jets.” Lee (West Allis) & Dave

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