Oshkosh and surrounds sights, sounds and smells of the day:

Oshkosh and surrounds sights, sounds and smells of the day:

-Scream of Jeff and Allen as they got into freezing cold showers

-Warm muffins straight out of the oven

-A lost and found camera (not mine this time!)

-Flock of turkeys

-Fresh cheese curds and string cheese (yum!)Image

-1 pound of chocolate cheese fudge

-Tactical assault rifles for sale


-Cheese head hats


-Club sandwiches

-Crashed a hot air balloon, 747, F22, raptor and hang glider at the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Museum 


-Kicked a footy

-Sound of a ripping shirt (Allen)

-Melting plastic whilst cooking enchiladas for dinner


Another great day in Oshkosh thanks to our great host Cecil.


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4 Responses to Oshkosh and surrounds sights, sounds and smells of the day:

  1. jessica says:

    Love the hat, Loz! sounds like you’re having a great time 🙂

  2. Paul Smallacombe says:

    Where’s the photo of Jeff? 😉

  3. alexisb417 says:

    Great hats Lauren and Tim! Go Brew Crew 🙂

  4. Alice Sedgwick says:

    Your blog is great fun and it looks like you are having a wonderful variety of experiences both cultural and vocational. No cheese hats in Australia? We take our cheese production here very seriously as you can see. Itlooks like you are off to Fond du Lac tomorrow, Saturday for a restful weekend before “hitting the road” again. See you all at the District Conference if not before then. Alice Sedgwick, District 6270 GSE co-chair

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